With wyBuild you generate the patches and use our open source updater, wyUpdate, to update your Windows app. wyBuild & wyUpdate handle all of the details no matter what programming language you use.
wyBuild is used and trusted by thousands of companies, of every size, world-wide; including “big names” in every industry.
Game shops love wyBuild. Using installers results in files hundreds of megabytes long with bandwidth bills to match. wyBuild shrinks your files to tiny patches that range from kilobytes to a few megabytes.
Perfect for agile development, wyBuild allows small and large teams release early and often. Patches are delivered directly to your users using wyUpdate or the AutomaticUpdater control.
IT departments and web developers use wyBuild and the standalone updater (wyUpdate) to keep their departments and clients up-to-date. No complicated scripts — just a simple updater that handles all the details.
wyUpdate can work in either standalone mode or fully integrated automatic update mode. Standalone-update mode is made for people who aren't using .NET technologies, but want to add the best updater in the industry to their application. In the fully integrated mode .NET developers — whether you're working with C#, VB.NET, etc. — can add fully automatic updating to your application.
When wyUpdate is in standalone mode all you have to do is include the wyUpdate executable with your application. This has been used to great success by both developers looking for a simple drop-in solution & web designers looking for an easy way to distribute new versions of their works to their clients.
Using wyUpdate in standalone mode you can even silently check for updates and silently update Windows Services.
To add automatic updating to your application simply add the free AutomaticUpdater control to your application. The AutomaticUpdater control gives you several options for checking for, downloading, extracting, and install updates. Learn more about it here.
wyBuild uses our own patch algorithm to generate the smallest possible update files. Differences between versions of your software are analyzed and tiny patch files are generated. This ensures that you'll spend less on bandwidth while also saving your users' time.
We're proud to announce that wyBuild is the first commercial offering of an AutomaticUpdater component. Get updates to your user quickly and silently. Impress your current and potential users with your quick turnaround to bug reports.
With the free and open source AutomaticUpdater control you can match the quality of Windows Update or the Google Chrome Updater by just adding a simple control to your .NET app's form. The AutomaticUpdater works with all .NET apps (C#, VB.NET, etc.) and with all versions of the .NET framework (.NET 2.0 through 4.5).
Learn more about the AutomaticUpdater.
Not making a .NET app? Use wyUpdate as a silent updater whether you've written your app in C, C++, Delphi, Java, or any other language.
When you use the free AutomaticUpdater control your updates are downloaded, extracted, and patched in the background. This means your updates are installed on your users' machines amazingly fast.
wyUpdate now takes advantage of the Dual & Quad core processors. Your users will be able to update to the latest version of your software in a blink of the eye. With significant speed-ups in wyUpdate's patching algorithm your users will get your updates faster even if they're using old single-core processors.
Your .NET applications will get optimized using NGEN when updated. wyBuild automatically detects your .NET assemblies whether they've been built for the x64, x86, or Any CPU platforms. You don't have to lift a finger.
wyUpdate works seamlessly on both the 32-bit and the 64-bit versions of Windows including the ability to install files to the x86 & x64 system32 folders.
wyUpdate seamlessly handles file Access Control Lists (ACL), that is which users can read, write, and execute files. All of this is done completely behind the scenes so your updates work perfectly for computers with multiple users.
You can change wyUpdate's look by using any one of the professional themes or, if inspiration strikes, create your own design. With the simple interface you'll be able to preview your results instantly.
Simply drag & drop your files directly into wyBuild. You can also make shortcuts to your files without hard coding the paths. Plus you can run *.exe, *.bat, and *.cmd files both before and after an update is installed.
Changing the registry is just as easy as adding files. With wyBuild you can manage which Registry keys are created, edited, and removed upon installation of your update. The same goes with Registry values — giving you the ability to delete, edit, or add values of any type (string, binary, or integer data).
Managing past and future versions of your software is simple. Just drag the files into wyBuild. Adding registry changes is just as simple and intuitive.
With wyBuild you can create, edit and include multiple language files with the updater. wyUpdate automatically determines the language culture of your user's computer and selects the right language.
You can easily automate the update building within wyBuild using the simple command line interface. Learn more about it.
Your users will always have working software. For instance, if the user cancels a software update, or an unforeseen error occurs while updating, wyUpdate quickly and cleanly restores the previous version of the software. It never leaves extras files or registry lying around.
No worrying about the troublesome UAC in Windows Vista, 7, 8, 10 and Windows 11 — wyUpdate handles it in stride. Limited users can check for updates without needing Administrator privileges and, if an update is found, Windows UAC prompts the user for an administrator password only if the limited user doesn't have permission to the folder.
wyUpdate can check for updates even on limited user accounts on all Windows versions (Windows Vista through Windows 11). A user will always be able to check for updates, and will only be prompted for a password if the user doesn't have access to the folders or registry that need to be updated.
Once you've built and uploaded your updates to your website, your users can easily update your software using wyUpdate or the AutomaticUpdater control.
Does wyUpdate update wyUpdate? Yep. wyUpdate will automatically detect, download, and install newer versions of itself. And the best part is that you don't have to lift a finger. Your customers will always have the latest and greatest updater in existence.
wyBuild, wyUpdate, and the AutomaticUpdater control are all packed with features. Download wyBuild now and test it yourself. It's a free 21-day trial and it's exceptionally easy to use.
wyBuild, wyUpdate, & the AutomaticUpdater control are fully compatible with Windows Vista through Windows 11 (including all Windows Server products).